We women gather together around the full moon to connect, dance, and to pray for our lives, our families, mother earth, and all of humanity. 

This dance with the moon is a remembrance that we as women cycle with her. It is also a connection with the earth who bears life as we do.  

For four nights we pray while dancing under the moon which is our shadow selves. Each day and night we purify ourselves and rebirth a new with temazcals (sweat lodges). During the day we gather to learn the ancient teachings to empower the matriarch. 

Our sacred danza happens during the Worm Moon in March

This full moon (metztli) is representative of change. It is a time that allows us to come out of the darkness underneath the surface to birth anew.

What do you see for yourself and wish to plant and birth into the light? 

The woman who strengthens herself.

Following the lineage of their grandmother Isabel Vega, who brought back this ceremony from the ancient codices of the Anahuac Nations of Indigenous Mexico, Abuela Malinalli and other grandmothers, carry these dances for the dignity and empowerment of women, for their healing and the healing of future generations. 

We are working toward dignifying women’s role in the world, relying on our cultural heritage and our faith in a better future for all women. 

To attain this, we apply our best efforts, and give the best we have: our spirituality, asking the Spiritual Essences, the sacred elements, the forces of nature, and the universe, to help us heal the injustice, scarcity, violations, and impositions of different nature that women have endure through this day.

This is the reason why the Moon Dance has been established. The aim of this moving prayer is to help elevate our awareness, knowing that we are strong women, determined to look at our past present and future lives in a different way, changing our attitudes toward our families, our communities, humanity and Mother Earth.

Facing our role as responsible women and essentially as educators of our children, taking care of our environment and the essential elements that Mother Earth provides to support our lives and the lives of the future generations; and like this create new goals for our future.

Register here

A few things to get you started

If you don’t find the information you need here, please send us an email and we’ll answer any question or concern you may have.


Learn the songs of the Moondance directly from our dear Abuela Malinalli. Enjoy listening to our beautiful abuela and feel her essence in these songs.


Stay connected and updated with the most current information about the danza and receive information about registration and happenings.


This short video will show you how to make prayer ties for Moondance.

Photo Gallery

A few photos representing the Moondance

Codex Borgia
On the land
on the land